The Canvas of Change

Published on 25 October 2023 at 19:49

America, a country that was once thought of as a bastion of freedom of thought, speech, and religion, has morphed into a dystopian image of a harsh and unforgiving wasteland where freedom of thought and speech are limited by the ruling political party. The once beautiful face of the American eagle has morphed into the sinister face of Dorian Gray. Many Americans who exercise their right to free speech now risk losing friends, social status, and even jobs. I have known people who have lost their jobs over a single pro-life tweet. This egregious treatment of Americans has made many in my generation scared to speak openly with others about their beliefs. The societal pressure to succumb to the mold of the masses has trapped many people in a noose. If we do not fight against injustice, the societal noose will continue to tighten until America has become an animal trapped by the leash of a tyrant. When this happens, the graceful wings of the American eagle strangled by the noose of the tyrant will be feathered and tarred leafing America to fall. There will be nothing left for conservatives to conserve. 


There is only one alternative scenario. Americans must courageously take a stand. Courage is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it. It requires one to be willing to speak out. Those who speak out will stand out. But if we are going to stand out, we may as well be outstanding. We must turn ostracism to opportunity - for it is in moments of isolation that character is forged, principles are tested, and resilience is born.


 If we want to be successful, we must work together. Like Martin Luther, we must have a dream. As Collin Pwell said, “A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.” To fulfill this dream, we must have a team. This is why I started C4 Young Patriots - to create a community of patriots who will never surrender. 


We will not be successful by going from top to bottom. We must start at the bottom and work our way up to the top. Just as David’s tiny sling defeated Goliath, it is not a billionaire president who will singlehandedly redeem our nation; it is thousands of hard-working and God-fearing souls who unite to fight the good fight who will finish the race of nationwide revival. This is the only way we can take back our country. When I use the term “we,” it must include members of Gen-Z. We must mobilize and empower the youth so that they can join in the fight to conserve the values that define America. Even one of the most sinister men in history, Adolf Hitler, recognized the importance of youth when he said that “those who own the youth gain the future.” 


The future of the country is in our hands. We have two options. We can allow the world to tie a noose around our necks and succumb to the mold of the masses, or we can seek opportunity in ostracism and take advantage of standing out by being outstanding. The American eagle will either soar through the air or it will fall. Everyone, no matter their age has the ability to fling a rock into the eye of Goliath. Every word spoken, every action taken, is a brushstroke on the canvas of change. Let's work together to restore the flag of stars and stripes that reminds us of the thousands of American patriot stars who surrendered their lives to give us a sanctuary of freedom. We must turn our ideas into “I did it’s.” Let’s dedicate time to paint a portrait of freedom on the canvas if change.

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